संस्कृत सुभाषितानि

आयुष: क्षण एकोपि सर्वरत्नैर्न लभ्यते।
नायते तद् वॄथा येन प्रामाद: सुमहानहो ॥

Sanskrit Subhashit with hindi meaning

सब रत्न देने पर भी जीवन का एक क्षण भी वापास नही मिलता । ऐसे जीवन के क्षण जो निर्थक ही खर्च कर रहे है वे कितनी बडी गलती कर रहे है।

Even if you surrender all the jewels that you possess, you will not get back a “single” second of the time that has passed away (in your life). When such is a case, those who are wasting the time – what a blunder they are committing!!

Sanskrut | Sanskrit | Subhashit | Subhashitani | Subhashita | Yoga | Krishna | BhagvatGita | BhagavadGitaQuotes | Shloka | Mantras

Laxmi Shlok, Laxmi Mantra, Mantra, Shlok, Shloks, Jayatu Sanskritam, Jayatu Bharatam, Vadatu Sanskritam, Jayatu Jayatu Bharatam, Sanskrut, Sanskrit, Subhashit, Subhasit, Subhashitani, Subhashitam, Subhashita, Subhashit Sanskrit, Subhashitani in Sanskrit, Sanskritam, Sanskrut Quotes, Sanskrit Quotes,
